Welcome To Ruppert McCarthy

Ruppert McCarthy is an Ottawa based conflict resolution firm specializing in providing services in family mediation and conflict management coaching

Heidi Ruppert and Terry McCarthy, the principals of Ruppert McCarthy, are lawyers with over seventy years of combined experience assisting clients in settling their disputes in a neutral, cost effective, timely and creative manner.

Heidi Ruppert

Heidi is a lawyer who was called to the Ontario Bar in 1993. Heidi has been practicing mediation since 1995. Her patient, astute and creative approach to her clients’ issues result in workable and enduring settlements. Heidi is seen by her clients and colleagues as a compassionate and dedicated professional.

Terry McCarthy (Retired)

Terry is acknowledged by his clients and colleagues to be a practical and caring practitioner in the field of conflict resolution. Over forty years experience as a lawyer, mediator, facilitator, trainer, coach and Small Claims Court Judge, permits Terry to approach the serious and sensitive issues of his clients with a compassion and understanding that results in workable and lasting solutions for his clients.


Family Mediaton

The mediation process can include parties meeting with the mediator on their own (i.e., without their lawyers present at the mediation) or the parties and their lawyers meeting with the mediator. The mediator is a neutral third party who facilitates and controls the discussions between the parties or the parties and their lawyers if lawyers are present.


People often feel inadequate in their ability to negotiate or to engage effectively in conflict situations. Ruppert McCarthy provides one-on-one coaching to parties so that they may effectively and confidently engage in negotiations, mediations and conflict situations.